This system is known from the 6th century ad onward 这种体系从公元六世纪起就被知晓。
Phot a koguryo mural of hunting , circa 6th century ad 照片:约西元六世纪,一幅描绘打猎的高句丽壁画。
China developed the science of farming as early as the 6th century ad 中国早在公元六世纪就发展了农业科学。
The first shrine buildings here were probably erected in the 6th century 岛上的第一座神殿可追溯到公元6世纪。
One of japan s oldest parks which houses maruyama tomb built in the 5th or 6th century 园内有5 、 6世纪前后建造的丸山古坟。
By the 6th century they were referred to by the names : bithisarea , melichior , and gathaspa 六世纪,他们是三个名字:比斯萨拉,米里切尔和加萨帕。
The beginning of the history of the suzhou classical gardens can be traced back to the 6th century bc , when the 苏州古典园林的历史可上溯至公元前6世纪春秋时吴王的园囿
By the 6th century bc , athletes began to specialize in particular sports , and even began to hire coaches 到了公元前6世纪,运动员开始专攻个别项目,甚至开始雇佣教练。
The monastery , founded in the 6th century , is the oldest christian monastery still in use for its initial function 修道院始建于公元6世纪,是世界上仍在使用的最古老修道院。
During the gupta period ( 5th and 6th centuries a . d . ) , many more richly decorated caves were added to the original group 公元5至6世纪的笈多时期,更多精心修饰的石窟又被添加到原有的石窟群中。
The 6th century is the period from 501 to 600 in accordance with the Julian calendar in the Common Era. In the West this century marks the end of Classical Antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages.